Homemade Wine

Homemade Wine Crates and crates of Mouvedre grapes fresh from Berri South Australia were emptied into a crushing machine as participants of Healthy Country Life’s free workshop, ‘Make Wine The Natural Way’ gathered around for a closer look. The workshop was held at Contadino Farm, Falls Creek, NSW on Saturday, Read more…

Tom Yam Pizza

Tom Yam Pizza All my pizza bases are freshly made with sourdough starter. I grind the wholegrains and use fresh flour. Flour does not last long. Flour sold commercially has had the bran and germ removed [the most nutritious part of the wheat containing the vitamins and oils such as Read more…

Probiotic orange juice

Probiotic orange juiceĀ  The reason we all love soft drinks or soda is for the thirst-quenching fizz. But more and more health conscious people are rejecting these nutritionally empty beverages that are harmful to the body. In addition to the high sugar content they also have preservatives, colourants and other Read more…

sourdough pizza base

Baking with sourdough starter

Baking with sourdough starter Sourdough starter is just wild yeast. As most bakers would use commercial yeast for baking, I use sourdough starter instead. Whether you bake professionally or at home, you will be familiar with commercial yeast usually sold in dried, powdered form. This yeast is saccharomyces cerevisiae, a Read more…