
I’m Shoba Sadler. I give you my healthy organic recipes and more. Add my Malaysian roots to the mix and you have the Asian touch to my healthy organic recipes.

If you are from my generation, you will remember a time when we didn’t have to specify gluten, nut, dairy-free, non-GMO. To make matters worse eeevv..eryone is now jumping on the “organic” and “all-natural” bandwagon when truthfully… only a small fraction of those claims of healthy organic are close to the kind that God intended for us.


I have been a freelance journalist for Malaysia’s leading English newspaper. To check out my books why not hop on over to my author site at


Living an organic country lifestyle in Australia these last few years, growing my own produce and experimenting with various meals have given me the confidence to share my healthy organic recipes.

Here a garden- to- table meal is the deal. You will find mainly vegetarian and seafood recipes and more!

Fresh sourdough baking will also pop up everywhere on my website as it is my passion . I NEVER use commercial yeast or baking powder in any of my cakes or bread.

All my cooking and baking is done with pure sea salt or Himalayan salt and filtered rain water. I NEVER use a microwave.

Common perception is that eating healthy means eating bland and boring food. Nothing can be further from the truth. My husband and I love food. We never diet and it is standard practice at home to have delicious dinner and dessert after. Yet we are healthy and have no weight issues.

Another thing we have found is that because our taste buds have been set free by correct eating, when we travel and have to eat commercial food, our tongues recognise how unwholesome they are.

A great place to start eating healthy is to buy local as much as possible and preferably from farmers who don’t use pesticide.

I think it is appalling that the world food production is controlled by just 20 companies. We should revive the income of the small farmers so they, in turn, can laden our dinner tables with the freshest and healthiest food for our families.

It certainly helps if you can grow some of your own food.Even if you don’t live in the country you can still grow your own produce. People are doing this in crates and pots even at apartment balconies. Vertical growing is another way to maximize production in small spaces

Do subscribe for healthy organic recipes, great ideas and inspiring insights on how to lead a healthy life.


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